
Pricing in the gastronomy industry is a balancing act. If you're too expensive, customers stay away; if you're too cheap, you can quickly find yourself in a financial crisis.

Made in Germany or made in China, fresh bread from the bakery or from the supermarket, organic or non-organic...

Everything has its price. Expensive doesn't always mean better, but with many products, you can notice a significant difference.

Compare products "correctly." Let's take a burger as an example.

An important factor in evaluating burgers is the type of meat they're made from. High-quality meat, such as ethically raised beef, comes at a higher price but also offers better quality and taste.

Another factor is the type and quality of ingredients used in the burger. Fresh vegetables and high-quality ingredients greatly enhance the taste and quality of a burger.

Portion size is also an important factor in evaluating burgers. How many grams of meat does the burger patty have? For example, a Big Mac has 2x45 g.

Consider all factors in your assessment: size, weight, appearance, ingredient quality, freshness, taste, and price. Only then can you determine an objective "price-performance ratio" for yourself.

When it comes to home delivery, there are additional factors you should consider:

  • How warm (or cold) are your food and drinks upon delivery?
  • How are your dishes packaged?
  • Does your order arrive at the specified time?
  • What is the customer service like?

At first glance, the prices of some providers may seem high, but upon closer inspection and comparison, you often quickly recognize the qualitative difference compared to cheaper options.

Of course, if you simply want to be cheaply fed, you can suffice with an unhealthy ready-made product from the supermarket, a kebab from the corner shop, or something from the big fast-food chains. If you don't value your health much, just want to be filled cheaply, and want to spend less time on food procurement, preparation, and consumption, then those options may be suitable for you.

Alternatively, you can cook for yourself and your loved ones using fresh and healthy ingredients of your choice, or dine/order from selected establishments where quality, service, and taste convince you.

Exactly what you can expect from Som's Kitchen. Top quality, top customer service, unique taste.

"Food is a necessity, enjoying it is an art."